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Showing posts from January, 2013

Now featuring bonus races!

Update time! As requested by one of my players, I came up with a description to what I imagine a male Viera would be like. Any other race I post here will remain here and not go to the PDF. Also, this is the first entry under the Races  tag. I'll try to post any other race conversions I come up with there. What do you think? Check it out and post a comment! Link:  Viera (male)

Viera (male)

Contrary to popular belief, Vieras don’t just spring out of holes in the ground. Upon reaching a certain age and certain other merits, a female Viera is allowed to leave the village, with the tribe’s blessing, in order to find a mate. These searches can take decades, but if successful, she will return to the village and give birth to a child, most likely a girl. If a boy is born, he will be raised until coming of age, when he is cast out of the forest. Usually the boy’s father will predict this date and approach the forest to find his son, but often times the boy will wander off and become a hermit, or integrate into society among other races. Male Viera are very similar to the females except for the ears, which tend to be shorter and flop backwards. Most people will know they are not Humes, but won’t figure out they’re male Viera. A fact they usually keep for themselves. Sensitivity to Mist:  Perhaps because of their latent wild side, Vieras are extremely sensitive to Mist.

Version 1.0! OMG integers!

Getting ready for the first actual game! Version 1.0 includes, major aesthetic changes, a fine-tuned the Seeq description, revolvers and art! That's right! We have art! Custom-made by  +Chris Hunsberger !  Check out his amazing works of art at   We'll be integrating more art in version 1.1. Stay tuned! In the meantime just click on the link on top for the download!